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Despite his young age of 22, Adjay has completed a long prison sentence. Therefor he has completely lost touch with the labor market.…

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UKGuest UserMizuho

Jim has enjoyed working at Stryker for eight months now. Previously, he was always guided from municipal funds, but unfortunately this could no longer be appealed to…

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It is expected that the catering industry will pick up again at some point and with a diploma, Steven can work in the kitchen of a restaurant.…

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Mario has been working for 2.5 years and he still is very happy. Where he used to have the mentality; I don't like it so I throw in the towel, now...

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CAO, UKGuest UserIsbank, Humanitas, Limburg, uk

Momchil is an enthusiastic, funny dude. Although he had some trouble making a thorough plan regarding work…

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Danny is having a great time with the Wajong program (special Dutch program to help people with a disability…

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Brijesh is 25 years old and, together with his job coach from In2Work, found a job at restaurant Parck in Haarlem…

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Leon receives a Wajong payment and has never been too lazy to work. He has taken on several jobs in order to earn his income independently…

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Rick works at Stryker for two years. He has worked in several departments, but he has currently mastering…

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Soradj is almost desperately looking for work. He has seen the advertisement of the target group driver and that offers perspective…

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