

Steven had been homeless for a while and is now following the Springplank trajectory at Wij 3.0 and Stichting de Tussenvoorziening. This program is intended for people without a job and a home who can and want to work and offers Steven a home and guidance to work.

Besides beatboxing, dance, rapping (he writes great lyrics), sports is also a common thread in his life. And then he will soon be able to start working as a cook. But mainly from benefits and earning his own money, finding an independent home and therefore just enjoying life full of life. 

Some time ago, Steven did VMBO (preparatory secondary vocational education) Consumptive and completed it with a diploma. Subsequently, he had several jobs, including work as an assistant cook, which is why he would like to follow a cookery course. Until recently, Steven worked in the hospitality industry at The Green House. He started in the kitchen as a dishwasher and would therefore occasionally work in the kitchen. Handy for his cooking course. But unfortunately, due to corona, his contract has not been extended.

However, Steven has the opportunity to follow a ROC level 2 chef training. And Albron (large catering business) would like to offer him an employment contract. It is expected that the catering industry will pick up again at some point and with a diploma, Steven can work in the kitchen of a restaurant. Thanks to the Power Certificate from Start Foundation, Steven is able to follow this training.

 When Steven starts working as a cook, he will be able to earn his own money, get off benefits, finding an independent home and therefore just enjoying his life and new opportunities in the future. 

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Power Certificate



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