Everyday Heroes
drives employment

Many people are still on the sidelines of employment. Often, the reason for this is the lack of customized support. A driver's license to get to project locations, a certificate to operate a machine, a bike for commuting, and so on.

Everyday Heroes helps individuals in vulnerable positions find employment by removing the last obstacle standing between them and a (better) job.

Part of the movement

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Interview Interview
Interview Interview
Interview Interview

All companies and organizations that participate recognize the importance of work and make work possible for everyone who wants and can work. That's why more and more parties are joining in and invest in Impact Packages to finance the solution for the missing link. The quotes above (from our book "Maatwerk Werkt") clarify what the challenges, solutions and possibilities are, and demonstrates that the cumulative impact is of immeasurable value.

Transparent results

All results are made visible, making it immediately clear who needs what, why, and what has been achieved. These are all stories that need to be shared, so that others are also encouraged to participate in any form.

What is required?

Everyday Heroes drives employment for thousands of people. The hurdles are concrete and easy to overcome, the solutions tailored to an individual’s needs.

In which industries?

Jobs are made possible in crucial industries and relevant jobs. Solid employment with massive societal value


Step 1

There is a job
but something extra
is needed to seal the deal

Step 2

Everyday Heroes pays for the final step
with Impact Packages from businesses,
funds, and private individuals.

Step 3

Someone can work and
develop themselves in a job
that fits their ambition and talent.

Why Paulo Rosado participates


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